Executive Coaching

Create a Gospel-centered Life Plan that Actually Works.

You don't have to forget your faith or family for success.

A life design will help remove the stress of success.

Experience Peace

Stress is not from God, Peace is. Although we may experience trials and tribulations, stress is self induced and is not God's design for your life.

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Enjoy Family

God has put family in your life for a reason. Recognize and develop a plan to connect with family the way God intended.

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Elevate Christ

With a Life Plan everything works in harmony including your spiritual, physical, emotional, relationship and professional life.

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  • Put Jesus above all things

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  • Make Godly decisions

    Describe the item or answer the question so that site visitors who are interested get more information. You can emphasize this text with bullets, italics or bold, and add links.
  • Lead your family well

    Describe the item or answer the question so that site visitors who are interested get more information. You can emphasize this text with bullets, italics or bold, and add links.
  • Work Life balance

    Describe the item or answer the question so that site visitors who are interested get more information. You can emphasize this text with bullets, italics or bold, and add links.
  • Reach your dreams

    Describe the item or answer the question so that site visitors who are interested get more information. You can emphasize this text with bullets, italics or bold, and add links.
  • Professional growth

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  • Business succes

    Describe the item or answer the question so that site visitors who are interested get more information. You can emphasize this text with bullets, italics or bold, and add links.

What is a Gospel-Centered Life Plan?

A life plan puts on paper God's design and desire for your life with a four step process.

A gospel-centered life plan consists of a mission statement, storylines, life steps, goals, values and key objectives God wants you to pursue for his glory.

Core Components


Meet new friends and start your journey with fun.

Weekly Meetings

Build community, grow closer with God, and live it out.

1-on-1 Coaching

Go deeper in the content and get clarification.


Share what God taught you with the community you love.

Develop a Plan that Deepens Your Relationship with Jesus.

“This journey has been so impactful and honestly it's been life changing...”

Laila Swain / Jacksonville, FL

Get the step-by-step plan to walk out your calling with confidence.

Go from "I'm not sure" to "I am certain".

  1. God's Story
  2. Your Story
  3. Life Drifts
  4. Jesus
  5. Gifts & Strengths
  6. Personality & Behavior
  7. Context
  8. Surrender


Come away with clarity and confidence!

We believe God has lovingly created you with a world changing purpose. Your sweet spot is the summarized essence of your passions, abilities, and context. As you better understand your story within God's greater redemptive story and surrender your life to Christ, you will be able to step into our calling with greater confidence and conviction.

Journey Options

9 Weekly Sessions


Provided by CoPassion staff to help you grow in community with other students pursuing their unique purpose in Christ. We are currently offering in-person journey experiences in Jacksonville, FL every fall, spring and summer. 
Apply Now

Host Sites

For organizations who want to offer a host site with their own CoPassion certified coaches at your church, company, or college.  A great option for faith-friendly organizations, private Christian colleges, and churches who want to build Christ-centered leaders.

Coming soon...


A guided or self-paced course you can start any time, any where to coordinate with your church, college ministry, faith-friendly employer, or university in a supportive Christian community.

Coming soon...

The Journey begins and ends with Jesus.

Sprititual Benefits of the Journey

Grow closer with God

We help you go deeper in your walk with God so that you have a vibrant relationship as you navigate new challenges as a student or young adult.

Go deeper in your calling

We use life changing tools that will fuel your purpose in Christ. We work through your story, passions, and abilities so that you can clearly name and know your calling with confidence.

Gain more confidence

We equip you to show and share the love of Jesus in your ideal context. We encourage and empower you to better live out and communicate your faith.

Additional Benefits of the Journey

Resume Help

Whether you need to write your resume for the first time or just need a tune up, we'll help make it perfect!

Interview Prep

Learn how to ace the interview and stand out from the pack so you land an internship you love.

Paid Internships

We will help you find and apply to organizations who have the perfect internship to launch your career.

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What participants have to say...

“This journey has been so impactful and honestly it’s been life changing.”

Laila S, UNF Student

"The Journey is a great opportunity to open your eyes to potential career goals, but also what God has made you for."

Bradley C, IT Computer Science

“Because of CoPassion's caring community, I was able to start my first job and get experience in the workforce that was needed to build my career."

Alexis F, Psychology & Spanish

Upcoming In-person Journey Dates in Jacksonville, FL

Spring 2023

Deadline to apply is December 15th. Kickoff retreat is scheduled for Friday January 27th at 4pm.

Summer 2023

Deadline to apply is April 15th and kickoff starts Friday May 19th at 4pm.

Fall 2023

Kickoff Weekend is September 15. Limited to six sponsored spots.

Spring 2024

Kickoff weekend is Friday January 26-27.

Explore the free app that gives you more purpose.

We believe God has lovingly created you with a world changing purpose. You can find clarity around the story God is writing for your life and meaningful community to move you forward. Find it all here at CoPassion!

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